Smite the Music

Ever cringed at an annoying noise that just goes on and on? Ever wished some Act of God would occur to silence it–suddenly and decisively?

When I arrived at the river house, last night around 11:30, there was a party going on next door.

My neighbors seem like perfectly nice people. When I arrived at a similar time, just a few weeks ago, and found the street in  front of our houses flooded, one of these folks got in a canoe and came over to paddle me across. Another time, their two girls came over to introduce themselves to Zoe.

Still, they park in front of my garage door, blocking me out (or in). There’s a trailer parked in the driveway between our houses, and the occupants cut a hole in the roof of it to install a wood stove, and it belches clouds of smoke.

And then there’s the noise. TVs on loud after midnight, and again before 6 AM. Occasional shouting and carrying on.

Last night it was heavy metal rock music. It didn’t bother me for the hour after I arrived, while I unwound with a whiskey and read the paper in the living room. But when I got into bed, I heard it plenty loud. Enough to keep me up. It was still going at 12:30. At 1:00.

I got up and found my bluetooth earbuds. I downloaded a white noise app, and listened to a canned rainstorm, hissing over the thump, thump, thump, of the bass.

About 1:30, I took out the earbuds and tried sleeping with my head between two pillows. I was, in fact, dozing fitfully when a mighty explosion shook the bed.

And then all was blissfully silent. I looked over to see what time this blessed event had occurred, and the bedside clock was dark.

As was the rest of the house.

What the hell. I listened for screams, and hearing none, gratefully dozed off until the first of their cars, many of which lack mufflers, roared to life about 5:15.

In the morning, I lit the gas stove manually. I took my cup of coffee and strolled down the block to where workers were cutting up a mighty bay laurel which had fallen across the road–and the power line.