Training Opportunity

Next Wednesday (January 20th) I’ll be presenting a half-day workshop in Sausalito on Low Impact Development and stormwater NPDES compliance for land development projects. The following day (Thursday the 21st), I’ll be repeating most of the same content in a workshop in Napa.

Info and registration for the Marin workshop areĀ here.

Info and registration for the Napa workshop areĀ here.

Both workshops will focus on using the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) Post-Construction Manual to implement compliance with Provision E.12 in the statewide Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.

The BASMAA Manual, which I authored in 2014–and additional information and resources, some of which are more recent–are available on the Marin Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) website.