Learning from Zoe

While imbibing our morning stimulants (coffee, coffee with milk, milk, prune juice), family discussion turned to getting teased at school. Zoe’s buddies Josie and Iliana have a few months on her&#8212and they’ll be four before she gets there&#8212and they’ve been reminding her about it. At mention of the teasing, Zoe’s little face crumpled. She buried her head in her arms and put her butt in the air.

Parenting moment: What to say?

Nothing, I decided, except to acknowledge her feelings and share that yes, sometimes it doesn’t feel good to be teased.

Here I am at work thinking about that moment, and about the practice of letting feelings wash over and through you, and the wisdom that comes from it, and how badly I’ve needed that wisdom this past year, and how much I hope to gain from it in the year to come.