Neighborhood Watch

I’ve always been wary of Neighborhood Watch groups, crime prevention councils, and the like.

This helps me understand why.

Homeowners in George Zimmerman’s subdivision could be liable for damages from the wrongful death of Trayvon Martin.

The potential levy reflects the moral hazard in getting involved in this kind of activity&#8212including just attending a meeting.

I like and trust my neighbors. I think it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for each other, and for trouble.

However, the popular misperceptions of crime, and criminals, and the fears that go with those perceptions, are volatile and toxic. I think neighborhood anti-crime groups can stir up those fears and misperceptions.

The resulting danger outweighs any benefit those groups might have.

A nice potluck or planting party serves the same purpose of building community cohesion, without the hazard of stirring up the George Zimmerman in any of us&#8212or in all of us.